Sam Sundius

Name: Sam Sundius (they, them)

Title: Creative & life coach

Company: Art of Undiscipline

Bio: I'm a visual artist & the coach behind Art of Undiscipline. I’m also a writer, translator, opinion-haver, advocate, drinks specialist, sourdough starter starver, and person with too many houseplants. I’ve got more than a touch of the neurodivergents in me, as an autistic ADHDer (AuDHDer, to the kids in the know). I’m also a queer, chronically ill, disabled person, and estranger. My wild and weird life experience has led me to coach on grief, disability, abolition, money, family and, through it all, fostering a resilient AF creative practice.

What I’m not, though, is someone who has everything figured out (lol). But that’s why I’m good at this. Coaching (like life) is not about nailing a thing down or linear progression or some external idea of what “successful” or “healthy” look like—it’s about finding joy in being our most deeply human and feeling selves. Listen, you can reach your most ambitious goals. You can also embrace your most vulnerable and flawed self. In any case, it takes both to find fulfillment.


Social handle(s): Instagram


Language(s): English, French