Whitney Hunter-Thomson
Name: Whitney Hunter-Thomson (she/her)
Title: Accredited Financial Counselor, Candidate
Bio: My financial counseling practice focuses on sub $120K earners, most of whom are in debt and wanting to make significant lifestyle changes. I work with them over a year+ to help transition them into better paying jobs, more financial security, and greater peace of mind.
Like most things in life, my way to Financial Counseling was a circuitous route, which in hindsight made perfect sense. This is my 5th career change and I’m happy to say it’s a vocation. How do I know? Because few things make as happy as a personal finance podcast!
Finally, a fun fact about me: when I was little, I only used green pens, pencils, and crayons. My love for green is unrelated to my love for helping people transform their relationship to money. It’s just a little quirk about me that I like to share.
Email: emailwhitney@hey.com
Social handle(s): LinkedIn
Language(s): English